Natural Ecolution Organic Cotton Bath room Hand Towel 

Natural Ecolution Organic Cotton Bath room Hand Towel  Reviews

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Natural Ecolution Organic Cotton Bath room Hand Towel  Feature

  • Colors: Natural, Evening Haze, Sage 
  • Size: 11 ¾ "x 19 ¾ "
  • 100% Vegan. 100% Organic. 
  • Fair Trade, No Sweatshop. 
  • Plant based biodegradable dyes that contain no heavy metals or toxic substances.        
Hemp is a plant with the potential to provide valuable ecological solutions to help our civilization transform its economy to a more natural one. All energy for life on earth comes from the sun through plants. In order to create a sustainable cycle for life, a viable economy must be based on renewable carbohydrates (plants) - the vital alternative to non-renewable hydrocarbons (petroleum and other fossil fuels). The primary reason that our civilization is out of balance with the environment is because it depends too heavily on fossil fuels for energy and resource needs. The exploitation of stored solar energy locked into fossil fuels by prehistoric plants releases enormous quantities of carbon dioxide and other pollutants that threaten our health, our future economy, and, ultimately, the sustainability of our presence and that of other species on this planet. Today, with the very real environmental threats such as global warming, a plant-based economy presents a solution to this crisis. When we utilize plants as our primary resource for energy and other materials, we come back into balance, creating a closed loop that does not generate pollution. Today, with the very real environmental threats such as global warming, a plant-based economy presents a solution to this crisis.

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Jul 25, 2011 10:03:05


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